HTML Essential Training by Post #3

I have written a couple of blog posts about my experience with the "HTML Essential Training" course by I'm currently working on the seventh chapter of this course and I just wanted to share what I have learned since the last time I wrote a blog post about this course.

In the fourth chapter of this course, I learned more about structuring content. When I learned HTML for the first time, I never learned or grasped the concept that so many elements have semantic meaning. In this course, I also was introduced to WAI-ARIA and the landmark role attribute. While I need to do more research on this attribute, my understanding from this course is that this attribute is helpful for making a website more accessible.

In the fifth chapter of the course, I learned about creating links. I have learned about links before, but I learned a few things that I did not know previously:
  • The tag that is used for links is called the anchor tag. 
  • The target attribute can be used so the link opens in a new window or tab.
  • The rel attribute describes the relationship of the target object to the link object.
  • The download attribute is fairly new and not always supported, but it is used to indicate that the link is a download. This attribute is useful when the download is of a file type that the browser can open (like a PDF), but you want to force the browser to actually download it. 
  • The title attribute is important for accessibility.
  • There are boolean attributes in HTML.
  • The most common use of the anchor element is linking to pages within the same site. 
  • I also learned how to link to a region of a page.
The sixth chapter of this course discussed the three types of lists in HTML. I learned a few new things from this chapter like how to nest lists. I also learned about description lists.

I'm in the middle of the seventh chapter of the course and so far it has been a review of things that I have learned previously, but it is a helpful review nonetheless.

Thank you for reading!
