An Addendum to My Post on Software Engineering From 7/6/13

Yesterday, I posted about five types of programming that I had learned of, but today I learned more about a sixth type that I wanted to add to the list:

1) Internet programmer
2) Application programmer: I think Mobile Apps are a subset of this.
3) Game Coder
4) Operating System programming
5) Embedded Systems (like in home appliances)
 6) Scripting for Extending/Automating Larger Programs - For example, some software, like Photoshop allows you to write scripts to extend the program. You can add new functions or automate old ones. Scripts are written in INTERPRETED languages instead of COMPILED. 

Which brings us to a new topic. What is the difference between an interpreted language and a compiled one?

With a compiled language, everything is run before executing.
With an interpreted language, everything lines of code are run during execution.

With an interpreted language, the program can still execute even if some of the code is malformed. With a compiled language, the program will not.

For example, Java is a compiled language. If you are missing a }, the curly brace, the program will not execute. On the other hand, HTML and Python are interpreted languages. If you are missing a tag in HTML, the HTML page can still be displayed.

That's the difference.
