Goodbye Mobile Dev, Hello Responsive Web Design?

In some fields, there comes a point in your career when you realize that parts of the education you received towards your highest attained degree is becoming outdated.

For me, this point came about a year after graduating college. When I was in college and even for some months after I graduated, mobile development seemed like one of the newer, hotter fields within IT. My college even had recently started offering a mobile development class. One of the award-winning capstone projects during the capstone showcase was a mobile development project.

Recently, I was introduced to responsive web design. Responsive web design is essentially coding a page to readjust itself for multiple platforms and screen sizes. It is done by having the code figure out the screen size and then adapt CSS accordingly.

Here is a link to the Wikipedia article on the topic:

The nature of IT is that it is always changing and requires constant learning and I am happy to learn about this. Personally, I think this shift to responsive web design is pretty cool because it seems more cost-effective and efficient from both a business and development perspective.
